The European Wasp is territorial, usually foraging for food in close proximity to its nest. It does not fly high, preferring to scavenge close to the ground. Large numbers generally indicate a nest is nearby, often in retaining walls, disused rubbish, wood piles, palm tree trunks or even underground. reduce opportunities for wasps to forage on rubbish, pet food and other food sources. The home gardener must continually clear all fruit that has fallen to the ground. The wasps are also attracted to sticky things and water.
Do not aggravate a European Wasp. Unlike the bee, they can sting multiple times.
Do not disturb nests. Contact your local council or a pest control operator.
Not to be used in any manner or for any purpose contrary to the intructions on this box.
Directions for use:
Empty attractant from satchel supplied into trap.
Add 1 cup of warm water. Swirl trap to help dissolve attractant.
For best reults set trap where it will receive the most sunlight and preferably where there is less wind.
Attractant requires an activation period of approximately 24 hours. The temerature may have some bearing on this time.
Once full, bury contents in the garden or dispose in a plastic bag.
Repeat steps 1-4 to reset the trap.
Important: check regularly & maintain water level. It must not dry out.
Important information about European Wasps.
Always fill trap indoors.
Do not place trap next to wasp nest.
Do not carry out trap maintenance during the day. Wait until early morning or late evening.
Make sure all wasps are dead before opening the trap.
Keep out of reach of children.
If stung and victim has difficulties (eg: breathing, severe swelling) or a wasp is swallowed, seek immediate medical attention.
The European Wasp is territorial, usually foraging for food in close proximity to its nest. It does not fly high, preferring to scavenge close to the ground. Large numbers generally indicate a nest is nearby, often in retaining walls, disused rubbish, wood piles, palm tree trunks or even underground. reduce opportunities for wasps to forage on rubbish, pet food and other food sources.
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